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Automate Your Data Analytics Workflow: From PostgreSQL to Python to Power BI

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To incorporate the analyzed data from Python into Power BI, you need to ensure that the results of your Python analysis are accessible to Power BI. This can be achieved by either writing the analyzed data back to PostgreSQL (so Power BI can access it directly) or by creating a script in Power BI that runs the Python analysis and retrieves the results. Here’s how you can achieve both methods:

Method 1: Write Analyzed Data Back to PostgreSQL

  1. Perform Data Analysis in Python:
   import pandas as pd
   from sqlalchemy import create_engine

   # Database connection parameters
   db_user = 'your_username'
   db_password = 'your_password'
   db_host = 'localhost'
   db_port = '5432'
   db_name = 'analytics_db'

   # Create the connection
   engine = create_engine(f'postgresql+psycopg2://{db_user}:{db_password}@{db_host}:{db_port}/{db_name}')

   # Function to get data from PostgreSQL
   def get_data(query):
       return pd.read_sql(query, engine)

   # Example query
   query = 'SELECT * FROM sales_data'
   df = get_data(query)

   # Perform your analysis
   df['month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']).dt.to_period('M')
   monthly_revenue = df.groupby('month')['revenue'].sum().reset_index()

   # Write the analyzed data back to PostgreSQL
   monthly_revenue.to_sql('monthly_revenue', engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)
  1. Connect Power BI to the Analyzed Data:
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Click on “Get Data” and select “PostgreSQL database”.
  • Enter the connection details and navigate to the monthly_revenue table.
  • Load the table and create your visualizations.

Method 2: Use Python Script in Power BI

  1. Prepare Python Script:
  • In Power BI, you can run Python scripts to perform data manipulation and analysis directly within the Power BI environment.
  1. Connect Power BI to PostgreSQL and Use Python Script:
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Click on “Get Data” and select “PostgreSQL database”.
  • Enter the connection details and load the sales_data table.
  • Once the data is loaded, click on the “Transform Data” button to open Power Query Editor.
  • In the Power Query Editor, go to “Home” -> “Run Python Script”.
  1. Write the Python Analysis Script in Power BI:
   import pandas as pd
   from datetime import datetime

   # Assuming 'dataset' is the name of the DataFrame containing the sales_data
   dataset['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataset['date'])
   dataset['month'] = dataset['date'].dt.to_period('M')
   monthly_revenue = dataset.groupby('month')['revenue'].sum().reset_index()
  1. Load the Resulting Data:
  • After running the script, the resulting monthly_revenue DataFrame will be imported back into Power BI.
  • You can then use this data to create your visualizations.

Detailed Guide with Both Methods


In this guide, we will demonstrate how to set up an automated data analytics pipeline that links your PostgreSQL database directly to your analytics tools, Python and Power BI, in Direct Query mode. This setup ensures that your data visualizations are always up-to-date without manual intervention. We will cover two methods: writing analyzed data back to PostgreSQL and using Python scripts within Power BI.


Ensure the following are installed on your system:

  1. PostgreSQL: A robust, open-source relational database system.
  2. Python: A versatile programming language with libraries like pandas, SQLAlchemy, and psycopg2.
  3. Power BI: A powerful data visualization tool by Microsoft.

Additionally, you should have basic knowledge of SQL, Python programming, and Power BI operations.

Step 1: Setting Up PostgreSQL Database

First, let’s set up our PostgreSQL database.

  1. Create a Database:
   CREATE DATABASE analytics_db;
  1. Create a Table and Insert Data:
   CREATE TABLE sales_data (
       date DATE,
       product VARCHAR(50),
       quantity INT,
       revenue DECIMAL(10, 2)

   INSERT INTO sales_data (date, product, quantity, revenue) VALUES
   ('2023-01-01', 'Product A', 30, 300.00),
   ('2023-01-02', 'Product B', 20, 200.00),

Step 2: Setting Up Python Environment

Now, let’s set up our Python environment to interact with the PostgreSQL database.

  1. Install the Required Libraries:
   pip install psycopg2 SQLAlchemy pandas
  1. Write the Python Script:
   import pandas as pd
   from sqlalchemy import create_engine

   # Database connection parameters
   db_user = 'your_username'
   db_password = 'your_password'
   db_host = 'localhost'
   db_port = '5432'
   db_name = 'analytics_db'

   # Create the connection
   engine = create_engine(f'postgresql+psycopg2://{db_user}:{db_password}@{db_host}:{db_port}/{db_name}')

   # Function to get data from PostgreSQL
   def get_data(query):
       return pd.read_sql(query, engine)

   # Example query
   query = 'SELECT * FROM sales_data'
   df = get_data(query)

   # Perform your analysis
   df['month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']).dt.to_period('M')
   monthly_revenue = df.groupby('month')['revenue'].sum().reset_index()

   # Write the analyzed data back to PostgreSQL
   monthly_revenue.to_sql('monthly_revenue', engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)

Step 3: Automating Data Retrieval in Python

To automate the data retrieval process, you can set up a scheduled task or a cron job that runs the Python script at regular intervals.

  1. Create a Bash Script:
   python /path/to/your_script.py
  1. Set Up a Cron Job (Linux/MacOS):
   crontab -e

Add the following line to run the script every hour:

   0 * * * * /path/to/your_bash_script.sh

For Windows, you can use the Task Scheduler to set up a similar automated task.

Step 4: Connecting Power BI to PostgreSQL

Now, let’s set up Power BI to connect directly to the PostgreSQL database in Direct Query mode.

  1. Install PostgreSQL ODBC Driver:
  • Download and install the PostgreSQL ODBC driver from here.
  1. Set Up ODBC Data Source:
  • Open ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  • Add a new data source and configure it with your PostgreSQL connection details.
  1. Connect Power BI to PostgreSQL:
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Click on “Get Data” and select “ODBC”.
  • Choose the data source you created and click “Connect”.
  • In the Navigator pane, select the monthly_revenue table.
  • Load the table and create your visualizations.

Step 5: Using Python Script in Power BI (Alternative Method)

Alternatively, you can perform data analysis using Python scripts directly within Power BI.

  1. Connect Power BI to PostgreSQL:
  • Open Power BI Desktop.
  • Click on “Get Data” and select “PostgreSQL database”.
  • Enter the connection details and load the sales_data table.
  1. Run Python Script in Power BI:
  • In Power BI, click on the “Transform Data” button to open Power Query Editor.
  • In the Power Query Editor, go to “Home” -> “Run Python Script”.
  1. Write the Python Analysis Script:
   import pandas as pd
   from datetime import datetime

   # Assuming 'dataset' is the name of the DataFrame containing the sales_data
   dataset['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataset['date'])
   dataset['month'] = dataset['date'].dt.to_period('M')
   monthly_revenue = dataset.groupby('month')['revenue'].sum().reset_index()
  1. Load the Resulting Data:
  • After running the script, the resulting monthly_revenue DataFrame will be imported back into Power BI.
  • You can then use this data to create your visualizations.


By following this guide, you have set up an automated data analytics workflow that connects PostgreSQL, Python, and Power BI in Direct Query mode. This ensures your data visualizations are always current, providing real-time insights without manual intervention. You can make data-driven decisions more efficiently and effectively by leveraging this powerful combination.

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